From the Loveland City School District:
The district is near the end of the first round of testing for students in grades 3-8 and is getting ready to begin testing for high school freshman. The district had more than 90 percent of our students take the Next Generation Assessments (provided by PARCC/AIR). Any family who decided not to have their child participate in the state assessment
s will still have their child excluded from the second round of state assessments that will begin in April. If any parent is going to make a different decision for their child to take these assessments, we ask that they make that change prior to the beginning of next testing session.The Ohio Department of Education has shared additional information updating parents and districts on how the assessments will affect the 2015 reports. The information could continue to change as decisions are made by the Ohio legislature or the Ohio Department of Education. This is what was recently shared from the Ohio Department of Education:“Find information about how data from all the state tests will affect the state and local report cards and educator evaluations here. Here is clarification about how untested students are included or not included in calculations.”

Individuals with questions are invited to email
I hope the 90% of parents whose children took the PARCC testing will awaken to the fact that the underlying Common Core standards actually set the stage for the ‘dumbing down’ of college courses. This occurs by requiring colleges and universities to allow all students who have graduated from high schools that have taught the Common Core to enroll in for-credit courses in math and English; they cannot require those students to take remedial courses. The inevitable result will be a lowering of the level of first-year college courses in math and English, with a subsequent scaling back of subsequent college levels courses.