by Claire Beseler
Loveland, Ohio – Homeowners in Glen Lake subdivision, Tom Vargo, and Mack Fey continue to voice the problem of a collapsing storm drain between their homes. Out of seven storm drains in the subdivision, two are labeled as ‘private’, the one landing in between Vargo and Fey’s houses being one of them.
Vargo maintains that the City keeps the other five in working order.
This particular storm drain catches runoff water from about 8-10 houses in the immediate neighborhood. Since March, the two have been communicating with the City of Loveland to understand why it is private and steps to fix it.
One temporary solution would be to add an insert to prevent the ground from caving in which would end up costing Fey and Vargo $20,000 of their own money for a 114 feet worth of storm drain from their backyard to the street. Vargo and Fey don’t believe they should shell out that kind of money now when in the past City Hall had stepped up to the plate and admitted responsibility. Twice under previous administrations, the public works department has made repairs.
In terms of what they would like to see happen, Vargo commented, “I would say first and foremost, I would like to get [the collapsing storm drain] fixed. I’m just afraid that somebody’s going to get hurt. Mack has grandchildren, I have grandchildren, they do come out and run around, now, we watch them, but, still know you can’t watch them every second they’re out here, so I would like to get it fixed but I really think… we need to talk. We need to figure out why the City is not fixing the sinkhole. Just because it’s private? Is that the City’s only claim to fame here?”
After months of contacting the City Hall, Vargo and Fey still don’t have the answers they are looking for. City Manager Dave Kennedy told the homeowners he would visit, even suggesting it and would bring the City engineer with him. The visit never happened and now, the only communication Vargo and Fey have received is from the City’s attorney.
Loveland Magazine emailed City Manager Dave Kennedy when we published Tom Vargo’s Guest Column on June 27 and received no response. (Old storm sewer causes sink holes in local neighborhood)