by David Miller
Loveland, Ohio – Lauren Enda called it a “landmark” decision and Sharon Scovanner said she was “overwhelmed” by the support they received.
Last Wednesday, before a standing-room-only crowd, the request to rezone the Grailville property was denied by a 3-1 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Drees Homes had requested the land become a Special Planning District which would have allowed 209 homes on the site.
After many months of leading the effort, residents Lauren Enda and Sharon Scovanner were breathing sighs of relief. The Commission rejected the proposed development of the Grailville site by the Drees Company which included 74 patio homes and 135 traditional-style homes totaling 209 lots. The land is situated between O’Bannonville Road and State Route 48 in Clermont County. The site is approximately 111 acres.
Enda and Scovanner also led a protest rally outside City Hall before the multi-hour meeting.
After the meeting was over, Loveland Magazine asked the two leaders of the movement a few questions about the vote and rezoning in general.
• What arguments were made by the public that swayed the decision?
• Resident Dave Stanton presented an economic analysis tonight of the cost to taxpayers of the Drees’ proposal. Please comment.
• What about the fact that our current zoning code essentially lets developers write the code and map changes they want?
• Should residents vote at the ballot box for Planning and Zoning Commission Members?
• Should all zoning text and map changes be put on the ballot for voters to decide?
The Drees Company representative at the meeting declined to be interviewed.
These photos were taken during the protest rally and during the meeting.
(© David Miller/Loveland Magazine 2022)
Commissioner Andy Bateman made the motion to not forward the plan to City Council.
Commission Chair Mark Redmond, and members Brian O’Neill and Bateman voted “YES”. Al Kressler was the lone “NO” vote.
Commissioner Michael Kady did not attend the meeting.