“I love what the Amazing Race does for our communities and for all of the charities that we raise money for.”

It’s never been more difficult to articulate or describe — put into words — just how it is that these local folks have managed to raise nearly $850,000 dollars over the years. And, although it really is a cliché, we don’t hesitate to shout, “Loveland Magazine is a proud sponsor of the Amazing Charity Race.” We are extremely proud to be a tiny, tiny part of its success.

It’s so terribly hard to describe – that’s why we also say, “Loveland Magazine is proud to present this LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV video highlight reel of this year’s event. You just have to SEE it to UNDERSTAND it.



We apologize to all of the hundreds of volunteers and local organizations that orchestrate challenge stations that are not featured in the highlight reel, however time and budget constraints prevented us from filming all the fun you provided the racers. Dean Parker and Bob Kessler shot video, and Sam Smith shot GoPro and Drone video for LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV.

In its 11th year, 500 volunteers and a dedicated board of directors, guided about 1,400 racers on a 15-mile labyrinth of mental and physical challenges on June 18 in the Amazing Charity Race. From Loveland, through Miami Township, and into Milford, each team member must be physically fit, but also master the mental challenges of goofy brain games all along the course. Nearly all of the physical challenges are most easily handled by problem solving team mates as well. Think, Navy Seals teamwork – – sort of.

[quote_left]Tossed around like pinballs while inside giant balloons[/quote_left]They were challenged to games of Donkey Kong at the Boy Scout’s Camp Friedlander, being tossed around like pinballs while inside giant balloons, reciting movie lines at the Loveland Stage Company, shooting a giant sling shot using their legs, and much, much more. Teams come from all over the country to race in the Fathers Day Weekend event.

[quote_right]We think we have now raised around $850,000 dollars over the years[/quote_right]Doug Portman, an organizer and one of the founders said, “We do not have an exact dollar count for this year since we are waiting for all of the expenses to be paid, but we think we have now raised around $850,000 dollars over the years.”  The anticipated date for the final announcement and the awarding of checks to the charities is August 29th at Jungle Jim’s in Eastgate.

[quote_left]I love what the Amazing Race does for our communities and for all of the charities that we raise money for[/quote_left]Jenny Lytle, in her first year on the Amazing Race Board said, “We feel this was one of the best races to date. With the weather and the length of the course along with outstanding challenges it just seemed to run very smoothly.” She added that they organize the race because they feel it is a great way to get communities and families together to raise money for local worthy charities and have a lot of fun in the process. “I joined the board cause Portmann held me at knifepoint. Ha ha… just kidding. I love what the Amazing Race does for our communities and for all of the charities that we raise money for.”

Portman said Cintas, Huntington Bank, Pepsi, Wards Corner Chiropractic, Fleet Feet Sports, Culligan, Loveland Magazine, UC Clermont East, and Bishop Bicycles are all major sponsors. “We would love to have more corporate sponsors come aboard to help out with raising more money for local charities. There are so many national charities that do great work but sometimes it is great to give back to smaller groups in our own back yard,” said Portman.

For next year’s Amazing Charity Race, there are just a couple of spots left for those who want to take part. “We are almost sold out of our 700 teams for next year,” said Lytle.

Portman said, “We would really like to thank all the volunteers who make this possible. They put in an entire day, to say nothing of the weeks of preparation they undertake on their challenge stations, to make this day a huge hit. We would also like to thank the communities of Loveland, Miami Township, and Milford along with their administrations, police, fire and service people.”

Go HERE to inquire about being a Corporate Sponsor of the Amazing Charity Race.

If you want to run the race, you can sign up HERE.

Go HERE or contact Tom Grome at tgrome@fuse.net or (513)965-1810 if you or your group wants to volunteer. Local groups can make money by organizing volunteers or challenge stations.

Go HERE to find out how to make The Amazing Charity Race a fundraiser for your group.







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