by Mihaela Manova
Loveland, Ohio – It’s that time of year where we sit down with our families, consume too much turkey, and curate a mental list for what we are thankful for. It begins with your mom, your dad, even your grandma who lives in Florida, and the list goes on…
While some bask in this holiday’s traditions, others cannot wait for the Christmas preparations that will soon follow. In Loveland High school, students are “wrapping” up their studies to finally enjoy their long-awaited five-day break. To celebrate I went through the hallways to ask them the season’s most popular question “What are you grateful for?” but there was a catch; they cannot say, family or friends. Despite this difficulty, it opened up the hearts and minds of seventeen students, who shared with us what they appreciated around them in their lives.
With answers from Megan Atkins, Dahlia Kressler, Livia McClellan, Eli Metzger, Noelle Cotter, Kathleen Tepe, Courtney Kunysz, Madeline Killon, Samantha James, Erin Dickman, Ethan Libby, Marisa Kelley, Ryan Smith, and Mitchell McMannis, we began the time for expressing our gratitude and sentiments to each other.