Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy film students have produced a video for the statewide Friends4Friends Film Festival, and online voting is underway for the festival’s top award.
The festival, part of the Ohio Adolescent Health’s Conference on Youth, spotlights positive solutions that support youth. Each participating school team had to pick a topic related to difficult decisions that students face. The CHCA group chose prescription drug abuse as the topic of its short, titled “Under Pressure.”
The film was directed by senior Gabe Schmidt, and co-produced by senior Malcolm Vanderwoude and Audio/Visual Production teacher Adam Cool. Schmidt, Vanderwoude, senior Matthew Pacheco and 2018 grad Steve Jester co-wrote the story. The film was edited by ’18 grad Jack Bolander, and ’17 grad Carter Jackson composed the score. All have been members of Mr. Cool’s A/V class.
Lead actors were ’18 grad Josh Braden and senior Evan Flagel.
The team partnered with Maximum Freedom, a Cincinnati-based non-profit that educates youth about risk avoidance.
Seven Ohio high schools submitted video entries. The one with the most online votes will receive the top prize at the OAHC’s Sept. 17 conference in Columbus. Live voting will continue up until the time of the award presentation at the luncheon that day.
The films are viewable at the OAHC Youth website. View “Under Pressure” directly at this link.
To vote, click the “like” (thumbs up) button on the video. The video with the most “likes” wins the festival.
To “like” the video, one must sign in to YouTube with a Google account. Any Gmail address will work. You can vote only once per Google account.