Loveland, Ohio – These are the remarks St. Columban student, Paul Laufersweiler delivered as the keynote address at the Loveland Veterans’ Memorial on Memorial Day on November 11.

Veteranā€™s Day this year was another one for the books as fully uniformed St. Columban students marched down Oakland Road to the Loveland Veteransā€™ Memorial, located at the corner of Riverside and West Loveland. In honor of St. Columbanā€™s Annual Walk for Local Veterans dozens of 7th and 8th-grade students from St. Columban School gathered around the Loveland Veteransā€™ Memorial with local veterans as a service was conducted in their honor.

We take time this morning to remember all of those who have served the United States of America, especially those from the Loveland community, to whom this memorial is dedicated.

Today there is, and perhaps there will always be, conflict in the world. But the United States, fortunately, enjoys peace and freedom.

Like other things of great value, this security did not come cheaply. Americans, who answered the call to military duty when their country needed them, have already paid part of the cost.

But another part of freedomā€™s cost must continue to be paid long after the weapons have been silenced. This debt is owed to our American veterans.

Some need their countryā€™s help, even as their country once needed theirs. Often they need to readjust, to recover from wounds or to overcome hardships of age and infirmity. Most need and ask nothing in repayment for their sacrifices.

Let us continue to help those veterans in need with the greatest possible compassion, concern,Ā and care. To these, since they ask no special thanks, we can best pay tribute this day by recognizing what they have achieved and joining them in their resolve to keep America strong and free.Ā 

These photos were taken by Paul’s mother, Stephanie during the Veterans Day ceremony. (Click photos for a larger view)


[Video Slide Show] St. Columban students Salute Local Veterans


  1. I was surprised at how few people attended this event. St. Columban’s staff and students are to be commended and deserved more support. Incidentally Nov 11 is celebrated throughout Europe to remember all those who gave there lives.

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