The Warren County Commissioners invite you to participate in an important community meeting to learn about ways to address the opioid crisis in our county. The forum will take place on Tuesday, July 17, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Warren County Career Center in Lebanon.
The commissioners will present details from a recent study conducted by the Addiction Policy Forum and outline the organization’s recommendations for implementing a comprehensive blueprint for the county’s opioid response.
An increase in the number of pain medicine prescriptions and rising access to heroin caused growing opioid abuse over the past several decades. According to a report by the county’s Opioid Reduction Task Force, from 1991 to 2011 opioid prescriptions in the U.S. rose from 76 million to 219 million. In Warren County, there were more than 10.6 million annualized opioid prescriptions written in 2015, the equivalent of 48 doses per person. Additionally, the number of overdose deaths in the county rose 264 percent from 2004 to 2014.
The Addiction Policy Forum is a partnership of organizations, policymakers and stakeholders working to increase awareness about addiction and encourage a holistic response that includes prevention, treatment, recovery and criminal justice reform.
To RSVP for the meeting, email [email protected]. You can also learn more about the Addiction Policy Forum’s recommendations for Warren County online.