Portman’s conversion didn’t exactly come easy

“But it took tracking the senator down in the hallways beneath the Capitol building — and a very awkward 20-minute conversation — to bring him on board.”

Senior Congressional Reporter Michael McAuliff wrote at The Huffington Post this week thatĀ it took tracking down OhioĀ Senator Rob Portman in the hallways beneath the Capitol building — and a very awkward 20-minute conversation — to bring him on board.

As of Thursday morning, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) was among just 34 senators who had not signed on as a sponsor of a new 9/11 health and compensation bill.

But by nighttime that had changed, and the Ohio Republican and former Bush administration budget director became the 67th senator to back a bill that would make permanent the health and compensation program for 9/11 responders, which began to expire this year.

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