This is a request for donations and sponsors of new backpacks and school supplies

Dear Loveland Magazine Readers,

The Loveland Initiative realizes that, education is an important resource.Ā  In an effort to ensure our students have every academic advantage necessary to excel as productive members of Loveland and, most importantly, society at large, we are reaching out to the community in hopes that you will sponsor The Loveland Initiative Backpack Program.

We are a 501 (c)3 public charity, has served the Loveland community since 1996, with a mission to provide educational support and assistance to under-served children and their families. We provide support to families living in the Loveland City School District. [pull_quote_right]In 2015, The Loveland Initiative registered 250 school age students (pre-k-12th grade) from the Loveland City School district.[/pull_quote_right]

For 18 years, our organization has been providing new backpacks and supplies to underprivileged students in our community. Ā Weā€™re proud of our backpack program!Ā  In August 2015, The Loveland Initiative registered 250 school age students (pre-k-12th grade) from the Loveland City School district. They all received new backpacks and school supplies to begin the school year.[pull_quote_left]The Loveland Initiative would like to expand our services to more students, so that they can be better prepare for the academic challenges they would face in the coming school year.Ā [/pull_quote_left]

Loveland City School District has 626 students participating in the Free and Reduce Federal Lunch Program. They meet the guidelines of having income that falls below the poverty level. The Loveland Initiative would like to expand our services to more students, so that they can be better prepare for the academic challenges they would face in the coming school year.

That is why weā€™re asking for your help in donating new backpacks and school supplies; so that our students have access to tools they need.

The collection starts August 1 through August 18.

Please drop off donations at Epiphany United Methodist Church 6635 Loveland-Miamiville Rd in Loveland noon untilĀ 5Ā PM.Ā  *See attached school supply list. [pull_quote_right]This program is so much more than just handing out paper and pencils; itā€™s about preparing our students so that they can focus on learning.[/pull_quote_right]

In addition to backpacks and school supplies, we always need volunteers for sorting and packaging of items. This program is so much more than just handing out paper and pencils; itā€™s about preparing our students so that they can focus on learning.

Would yourĀ business or organization like to serve as a sponsor for The Loveland Initiative Backpack program?

Please take a moment to indicate that you will help sponsor this community effort by contacting meĀ at 513-379-6621 or by emailing the enclosed response form (SPONSORSHIP REPLY FORM) to me. You can also contact ourĀ Executive Director,Ā Terri Rogers at (513) 739-2354.

You can also retrieve information about The Loveland Initiative at our website.

Let me thank you in advance for your time and support.Ā  I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Kristi Hayes

Program Lead

P.S. You can download the “Shopping List” to keep with you while you are out and about, or clip it to your refrigerator.Ā Backpack Shopping List




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