Sangha Yoga Cooperative inĀ Historic Loveland

Swa-dye-yah is a beautiful concept in Yoga psychology, meaning “study”, particularly of wisdom writings. Swadhaya can be playfully expanded to include “a study of relationship”; how we relate to ourselves, others, and the wonderfully complex world around us. An intentional celebration of connection, Swadhaya is a new and enriching beginning.

Your personal, ongoing swadhaya adds dimension to your life, your relationships, and to any vibrant teaching and personalĀ practice. Swadhaya is theĀ stewardship of yoga on the personal (micro) and community (macro) levels, everyone learning together how to contribute to, relate, and nourish the beautiful gift of yoga that we all share.
Join us Jan 5, 2016 for the first 200hr EmbodiYogaĀ Immersion in Cincinnati,Ā with Becky Morrissey and guest teachers EmbodiYoga founder Lisa Clark,Ā Lila Lolling, and othersĀ at Sangha Yoga Loveland.Ā 
Whether this is your first yoga studies immersion, or your 10th, we welcome you to begin your relationship with yoga practice and teaching anew. Starting from the beginning of the EmbodiYoga approach allows students toĀ feel, sense, and understand more of your yoga practice via theĀ EmbodiYoga principles. CultivateĀ a strong personal practiceĀ and surroundĀ yourself in a supportive, vibrant community of stewards and life learners. For 200 TT details, click here.Ā 

Join the conversation! Yoga.Movement.Me, a FaceBook group, is a collective forum of yogic writings, practices, thoughts. articles, and messages of peace. Yoga.Movement.Me is also a newsletter you can download and enjoy with a cup of tea.Ā To join the group, please click here.
EmbodiYoga Classes: Intentional RelationshipĀ 
with Becky Morrissey, eRYT500
Mondays Ā  6:30-8 pm @ Sangha Yoga Loveland
Thursdays Ā 6:30-8pm Ā @Ā Vitality Cincinnati NorwoodĀ 

All are welcome to experience the dimension of the EmbodiYoga lens ofĀ yoga practice and teaching; come beĀ inspired via the natural wisdom, resources, and collective interest to explore embodied movement, integrated philosophy, Ā andĀ meditative somatic experiencing of HathaĀ Yoga.

January EmbodiYoga Inquiry: The Beauty of the Skeletal Body

The form ofĀ our structural architecture is echoed through out nature. Our skeleton is patterned from the natural movements of water; rhythmical currents of gravity creating spiralic length and plains ofĀ winding, curved surfaces. The Skeletal Body flows energy through the rivers of the bones; we can co-create with this consciously in Yoga. Join us Mondays and Thursdays,Ā 6:30-8 pm,Ā to experience the spiral resonance of your bones, and find a portal to your spiritual essence.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.” Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ~Rainer Maria Rilke

May our work be to theĀ benefit of all Beings everywhere. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Namaste’Ā 

For information about EmbodiYoga Classes and Yoga Trainings,
contact Becky Morrissey at [email protected]Ā 

Our address is:
112 N. Second Street, Loveland, 45140



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