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PictureJohn Robinson

An information letter from our President.

Welcome to our 2016 season. Ā We are looking forward to another bountiful year with our current members and are looking forward to meeting new members. Ā For details on this year’s share information, please access the above link for information from our board President. Ā  We are very excited for our best season yet!

Earth-Shares CSA is a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) organization in Loveland, Ohio, on land leasedĀ fromĀ Grailville.Ā The majority of their 300 acresĀ is Certified Organic by the USDA and the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA). CSA is a direct partnership between farmers who grow the food and the people who eat it.Ā Ā We areĀ a not-for-profit organization that contracts with skilled gardeners to grow many types of organic vegetables.Ā  Our goal is to provide members with fresh, organic vegetables that are locally grown by our farmers.
Our members pay a set fee to receive a “share” of theĀ harvest raised on the CSA acreage that year.Ā  Some members enjoy assisting the gardeners and receive a discount for scheduled work shifts, known as a Working Share.

What does a CSA mean to you?




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