by David Miller
Loveland, Ohio – On Tuesday, City Council will be asked to support a grant application that will be submitted by the Cardinal Land Conservancy to the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund, for funding to purchase 89 acres of the remaining Grail property that is within the city’s corporation boundaries.
This is the site where Drees Homes was denied the zoning change they requested in 2022 after local residents filled Planning and Zoning chambers to urge that the site be protected. The Kentucky home builder had requested the land become a Special Planning District which could have allowed 209 homes on the

site. The same parcel is also where the Loveland City School District proposed building a campus until the funding they wanted was denied by voters in 2019.
The site is bounded by O’Bannonville Road and State Route 48 (Oakland Road).
After the re-zoning Drees requested was denied, local Grail members and other local residents coalesced to find the solution that will be presented to City Council on Tuesday.
For background: History of Grailville – The Grailville Archive
If acquired by the conservancy, the 89 acres of land would be deeded as dedicated green space in perpetuity. The proposed purchase by the conservancy would be adjacent to the 100-acre Clermont County Park District property, which was also acquired from the Grail using Clean Ohio funding.

The Conservancy is proposing to portion off the area surrounding the existing structures to allow them to be renovated and utilized for their offices and community meeting space.
Cardinal Conservancy and the Grail will be notified if the application is successfully funded sometime this fall, according to City Manager Dave Kennedy in a memo to Council. The resolution requires no financial contribution from the city.
About Cardinal Land Conservancy
Their address is 790 Garfield Avenue in Milford.
Cardinal Land Conservancy is a private, nonprofit, 501c3 tax-exempt conservation organization, incorporated in September 1999 under the laws of the state of Ohio. Cardinal is a member of the Land Trust Alliance (LTA), a national organization, and Coalition of Ohio Land Trusts (COLT). Cardinal earned LTA accreditation in 2019 and uses LTA’s “Land Trust Standards and Practices” to guide our work as we grow. This accreditation confirms that Cardinal practices sound finances, ethical conduct, responsible governance, and lasting stewardship.
Cardinal Land Conservancy, formerly known as the Citizen’s Land Conservancy of Hamilton County (“the Conservancy”), is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) land preservation organization and land trust. Cardinal holds the title to 11 nature preserves.