DUBLIN, OH ā€” MAY 03: A voter at the ballot maker machine during the Ohio primary election, May 3, 2022, at the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, Dublin, Ohio. (Photo by Graham Stokes)

Abortion rights groups request full text on November ballots

BY:Ā Ā Ohio Capital Journal

Gearing up for an Ohio Ballot Board meeting where constitutional amendment language regarding reproductive health will be considered, groups pushing for the measure want to see the entire text of the amendment on November ballots.

In a letter received by the Ohio Secretary of State on Monday, attorney Donald McTigue represented petitioners for the constitutional amendment in asking the board to useĀ full text of the proposed amendmentĀ or a condensed version, so that voters can read the entire thing on their ballots in the general election this year.

ā€œBy using the full text, voters will see for themselves the language they are being asked to approve and can make a free and independent decision on this fundamental question,ā€ McTigue wrote.

The abortion rights groups also argued that, in using the full text, ā€œthere can be no dispute about whether legal standards have been satisfied or whether the condensed text misleads, deceives or defrauds voters,ā€ according to the letter.

The ballot measureā€™s title, as submitted by the groups for approval by the ballot board, is ā€œTo Establish the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety.ā€

Because of theĀ rejection of Issue 1Ā earlier this month at the polls, which would have raised the threshold to approve a constitutional amendment, a simple majority is needed to pass the measure.

In the language of the amendment, it specifies that ā€œevery individual has a right to make and carry out oneā€™s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited toā€ contraception, fertility treatments, pregnancy, miscarriage care and abortion.

It prohibits the state from doing anything to ā€œdirectly or indirectly burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with or discriminate againstā€ the exercise of the rights in the amendment, or those who assist in the exercise of the rights.

The amendment makes exceptions in terms of abortion, in which it would be ā€œprohibited after fetal viability.ā€

ā€œBut in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patientā€™s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patientā€™s life or health,ā€ the amendment states.

ā€œAny attempt to alter wording away from the text of the amendment should be seen for what it is: an attempt to confuse and mislead voters,ā€ said Lauren Blauvelt, of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, in a statement announcing the submission of the ballot language.

Opposition groups have claimed the amendment would impact parental rights and allow ā€œlate-term abortion,ā€ neither of which are included in the language submitted to the ballot board. ā€œLate-term abortionā€ isĀ not considered a legitimate medical term.

Two different lawsuits attempting to keep the amendment from going before voters have been rejected by the Ohio Supreme Court.

Most recently, a former state legislator and a Catholic Ohio residentĀ asked that the measure be blockedĀ because it was unclear what laws it sought to change. AĀ separate previous lawsuitĀ argued the Ohio Ballot Board abused its power by improperly considering, and thus moving the ballot measure forward so that signatures could be collected in support of it.

That signature collection amounted toĀ nearly 500,000 valid Ohio voter signatures, which allowed the measure to head to the ballot.

Another abortion-related lawsuit is still in the process of making it through the stateā€™s highest court. That lawsuit wasĀ filed by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, challenging a Hamilton County courtā€™s right to pause a six-week abortion ban implemented almost immediately after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade.

That law was passed in 2019, but has since been entangled in court cases. It bans abortion after six weeks gestation and was in place for several months following the Dobbs decision before being halted by the courts.

The Ohio Ballot Board is scheduled to consider and vote on the language on Thursday, where they will also consider language regarding a proposed statute for recreational marijuana.

Susan Tebben

Susan Tebben is an award-winning journalist with a decade of experience covering Ohio news, including courts and crime, Appalachian social issues, government, education, diversity and culture. She has worked for The Newark Advocate, The Glasgow (KY) Daily Times, The Athens Messenger, and WOUB Public Media. She has also had work featured on National Public Radio.



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