Dear Friends,Ā 

As the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to target and kill innocent Ukrainian civilians, the United States must continue to act to help the Ukrainian people defend themselves and their nationā€™s sovereignty and freedom itself. Congress recently approved funding for humanitarian and military aid for Ukraine, and we are working with our NATO Allies and international partners to impose severe costs on Russian President Putin and his government, as well as distribute much-needed humanitarian aid, weapons, and assets to the Ukrainian military. The work is not done.

As the fighting continues, many Ukrainians still in Ukraine are trapped in bomb shelters, basements, and subways where they have limited access to food, water, and medicine, among other necessary supplies.

Previous agreements between Russia and Ukraine to guarantee humanitarian aid delivery into Ukraine have so far proven to be unreliable, as Russian shelling continues to destroy roads and endanger transportation routes. Additionally, U.S. intelligence warns that the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv could run out of food and water in the coming days.

Recently, I joined my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to urge President Joe Biden and his administration organize an international humanitarian aid airlift to quickly deliver urgently needed non-military supplies, such as food, water, and medicine, to the Ukrainian people. CLICK HERE to read the full letter.

Along with providing military assets, the U.S. and our Allies can act to save more lives in Ukraine without without endangering Americans. While Russia has stepped up the brutality of their war against Ukraine with deadly attacks against civilian infrastructure ā€“ including a maternity hospital, members of the press, and thousands of innocent civilians, the U.S. and our allies must provide humanitarian aid.

Brad Wenstrup is the US Representative for the people of Ohio’s 2nd District

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