by Brock Kinser

I feel compelled to ask for your support on November 5th for the Loveland Schools levy request. The District has done a great job of seeking community input and providing detail after detail about the specific request.

Brock Kinser lives in the Loveland School District on Enyart Road

While there are many reasons to support the request, as an educator who lives in Loveland and works in another district, I am particularly sensitive to and supportive of the significant need to upgrade the safety and security of our buildings. We, unfortunately, live in a very different world than we did ten years ago, not to mention 50-80 years ago, when the Early Childhood Center, Primary School, and Elementary School were built. Safety requirements are different today, and the current infrastructure places limitations on the upgrades and enhancements that can be made. We have to do everything in our power to protect our children while they are at school.

The District has been prudent and sought feedback from the Department of Homeland Security and other experts in the realm of safety. Many of the recommendations have been implemented, but others are not possible until new facilities are built.

While there are many reasons to support the levy request on November 5th, we have to address the need to upgrade safety and security to protect our children and staff for the circumstances of the modern world. My second-grade son talks about Tiger Care. What better way can we show Tiger Care than providing our youngest students and their educators with a safe and secure environment in which to learn and lead? If you are in doubt, please go take a tour of the campuses and ask yourself if we should do better for the children of our community. Please join me in voting FOR the levy request on November 5th.


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