David Miller is the managing Editor of Loveland Magazine

Loveland, Ohio – If you’ve not noticed, Loveland Magazine has for many months advanced and put a lot of emphasis on stories about Health and Wellness, and Inclusion and Accessibility. We’ve very recently added additional main menu items so these stories and be easier to find. We’ve also added additional stand-alone sections on our home page to further make these stories stand out and be read.

With that in mind, we share with you this news of an upcoming event at Great American Ball Park, not to encourage buying Reds tickets, although they are fielding an awfully exciting group of fielders, stitch throwers, and pounders.

If you’ve possibly been thinking about catching the spirit in person, we encourage attendance at this game which includes one of their famous fireworks shows and support for Child Disaster Relief.

Friday, Sep 8, 2023 at 6:40 PM

Reds vs St. Louis Cardinals


Child life specialists are trained professionals with expertise in helping children and their families overcome life’s most challenging events. Armed with a strong background in child development and family systems, child life specialists promote effective coping through play, preparation, education, and self-expression activities. They provide emotional support for families, and encourage optimum development of children facing a broad range of challenging experiences, particularly those related to healthcare and hospitalization. Because they understand that a child’s well being depends on the support of the family, child life specialists provide information, support and guidance to parents, siblings, and family members. In a disaster, evidenced based interventions point to the specific value of child-centered play opportunities by child life specialists trained in children’s trauma and grief responses.

This is where Child Life Disaster Relief comes in. We deploy certified child life specialists -across the nation- to work with families and children faced with unfamiliar disaster situations to provide coping skills and emotional support.

Please join us at Great American Ball Park on Friday, September 8th in support of our organization. A dollar amount per ticket sold through this link will go back to Child Life Disaster Relief. The Cincinnati Reds will face off the St. Louis Cardinals at 6:40pm, while wearing their new City Connect jerseys. The gates will open 90 minutes before the first pitch.

Immediately after the game, there will be Friday Night Fireworks, which is free for those with a game ticket. We hope to see you there!


For more information about our organization, please visit cldisasterrelief.org.

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