Loveland Magazine asked Clermont County Traffic Engineer Jeremy Evans to provide an up-date on the road construction on Branch Hill-Guinea Pike heading down the hill into Branch Hill.
Construction will resume sometime in the spring. The asphalt plants closed just before Christmas last year and their spring opening date will depend on the weather. The next phase includes some road work, so we’ll need those plants to be open around the time we resume. We’ll have a better idea probably sometime in mid to late March and I will send advance notice around when we get a target date.
The next phase includes reconstructing portions of the road, so it will need to be a full closure. We are contractually obligated to provide the contractor with 55 days of road closure to complete this portion of the Branch Hill Guinea project. The plan was to split them 30/25 in the fall/spring. However, they used less than the 30 days of full closure in the fall so they will have more than 25 remaining in the spring if needed. When we send notice in the spring we’ll include the start date & duration as we usually do.
Road actually blocked one lane today, 5 Feb. not sure how long that will last.