Loveland, Ohio – Before a standing room-only crowd, the request to rezone the Grailville property was denied by a 3-1 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight. Drees Homes had requested the land become a Special Planning District which would have allowed 209 homes on the site.

The proposed development of the Grailville site by the Drees Company included 74 patio homes and 135 traditional-style homes totaling 209 lots. The land is situated between Oā€™Bannonville Road and State Route 48 in Clermont County. The site is approximately 111 acres.

Commissioner Andy Bateman made a motion to not forward the plan to City Council. 

Commission Chair Mark Redmond, and members Brian Oā€™Neill and Bateman voted ā€œYESā€. Al Kressler was the lone ā€œNOā€ vote.

Commissioner Michael Kady did not attend the meeting.

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