LHS Senior Ian Cronin helps refinish an outdoor table at Lovelandā€™s Grailville for his Senior Service Day project October 11, 2017

Loveland Senior Service

Loveland, Ohio – The day began fairly typically for all 383 members of the Loveland High School (LHS) senior class ā€“ gathered in a room to listen and learn, the students heard from presenters about the importance of service. But, Wednesday, Oct. 11, was no ordinary lesson. It marked the sixth annual LHS Senior Service Day, and from 11:30 AM until 2 PM the students were tasked with volunteering at one of 14 Loveland and Cincinnati-area non-profit agencies.

ā€œThis is a learning opportunity we look forward to every year at Loveland High School ā€“ and that is not limited to the educators who are involved ā€“ our students see the seniors doing this and anticipate the day from the time they are freshmen in our building,ā€ said LHS Principal Peggy Johnson. ā€œIt is our Tiger Care building goal in action. It does make a difference in our community. It will continue to influence how our students grow and develop as servant leaders. I want to thank LHS Teacher Brian Baugh for taking the leadership role in organizing the event this year for our students. It was a wonderful experience.ā€

“It is our Tiger Care building goal in action.”

Social media platforms turned into a real-time showcase for the community to see the learning that was taking place during the senior-chosen theme of Let’s come together as one to make a difference; seniors used the Twitter hashtag #383hearts to share their volunteer efforts, and Loveland Interim Superintendent Dr. Amy Crouse featured the service learning opportunities using Facebook Live from the districtā€™s Facebook page (Loveland City Schools).

ā€œWhat an amazing opportunity for us to show Tiger Care ā€“ one of our big three district goals ā€“ in action,ā€ said Crouse. ā€œThis annual event is the very heart of what we are trying to teach our students ā€“ empathy. It is designed to create an atmosphere for our students to both lead and serve, and see the world ā€“ if only for a few hours ā€“ from the perspective of a neighbor who they otherwise might not have met.ā€ 

Students served the service day at the following agencies: Bethany House, Cincinnati Parks Ault Park, Dragonfly, Dress for Success, Grailville, Grannyā€™s Garden, Little Miami River Cleanup, Matthew 25 Ministries, NEST Loveland Community Learning Center, New Life Furniture, QPR Training, Ronald McDonald House, SPCA and St. Francis Seraph School. 


  1. Can we get a sneak peek at the new 3 story house with the all glass facade on Rich Rd near West Loveland Rd. The house is very unique and Iā€™m sure it would be of interest to your readers.

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