Only stipulation is that Mayor will only offer wedding ceremonies at 6:30 PM on Tuesday nights before city council meetings at city hall

Loveland, Ohio – Loveland Mayor, Mark Fitzgerald told Loveland Magazine on February 23 that he has resumed the tradition of the Mayor officiating marriage ceremonies. In Ohio, mayors of municipal corporations can “solemnize marriages”.

Fitzgerald also said he will follow the laws of the United States and marry same sex couples. His only stipulation is that he will only offer wedding ceremonies at 6:30 PM on Tuesday nights before city council meetings at city hall. Regular council meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 7 PM.

Last June, the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, thereby making same-sex marriage legal in Loveland. At the time, former Mayor Linda Cox, was asked, “Will you perform same sex marriages in you capacity as Loveland Mayor?”

She said, “I officially had the Clerk, Misty Cheshire, not schedule any wedding ceremonies for me to perform since the end of Feb. and I do not intend to perform any wedding ceremonies in the future.”

Loveland mayors have the legal authority, but not a legal obligation, to perform civil ceremonies.

Loveland promotes itself as the “Sweetheart of Ohio” and is known throughout the country and beyond because of the Valentine Day promotions by the Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce with the theme, “There is nothing in this world so sweet as love”.

The mayor can be reached by calling city hall at 513-683-0150, or [email protected]. You do not have to be a resident of Loveland to be married by the Mayor.


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