Batavia, Ohio – This LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV video is from Wednesday, August 17 when local residents made the trek to the Clermont County Commission meeting to urge support for a grant application to secure funding to preserve Grailvile acreage as permanent green space.

Both the City of Loveland and Miami Township governing bodies have previously voted their unanimous support for the Cardinal Land Conservancy seeking a grant from the State of Ohioā€™s Clean Ohio Conservation Fund to purchase the remaining 89 acres of Grailville land. A successful application also requires a resolution of support from the Clermont County Commission, (Second step in securing grant money to preserve Grailville a success)

Members of the Grail and the Grail Land Preservation Group spoke passionately urging the Commission to support the grant application. You will hear their unique perspectives on why the Grailville land is so important as greenspace, and a tourism attraction for Loveland, Miami Township, and Clermont County. There were discussions of the positive financial impact on the area, and Grailvilleā€™s important cultural past that can be preserved and continue for decades to come.

If the Clean Ohio Conservation Funds are secured there will be no direct cost to local governments.

This video is via the YouTube Channel of Clermont County.

This LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV video below is Dickerson talking to supporters after the presentation was concluded. Dickerson expects a resolution will be voted on next week when Commisioner Painter can attend.

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