Roberta (Granny) Paolo sent this message to her supporters tonight:

It is with a very sad and heavy heart that I write this message. I have been battling to raise funds to deliver our unique program for many years. I have always been able to find a way to make payroll though sometimes, like this month, it was very close. This time, I lost the battle. One of two potential funding sources did not come through, and the other will not be available until the end of the year.
We have not quite $5,000 in the bank which is about 1/3 of what we need to meet October 1 payroll. I have lent the organization more than $30,000 in the last few years. At this time I am completely out of money and cannot fill the gap. I do not regret the time, money and energy I put into Granny’s Garden School, but I cannot go on living with the stress of keeping the doors open. It has become overwhelming. So effective immediately we are shutting down the garden program. My greatest regret, next to the students who will be missing out, is the loss of our awesome Granny Team that has given so much.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make it possible for Granny’s Garden School to provide more than half a million individual contacts with students in the Schoolyard Nature Education Gardens in the last fourteen years. A special, “Thank you” to Jody Maher for her commitment and leadership that made the program one of the best in the country.
Best wishes,

Thanks for teaching thousands of Loveland youngsters that Monsanto is not the only source of food in America. Your kind efforts give us hope for a future where children will not eat frankenfoods.
An old garden hippie