Loveland Magazine LLC is locally and independently owned with offices in Loveland, Ohio… where we live. Before Loveland Magazine was published in 2004 it had been nearly four decades since Loveland had its own newspaper. Loveland Magazine is not connected, owned, or funded by the City of Loveland, the Chamber of Commerce, or any other corporation. We are not affiliated with any other publication.
Loveland Magazine LLC is co-owned by David Miller (Editor in Chief) and Cassie Mattia (President and Publisher).
Our bias is towards being socially progressive, and fiscally conservative when fiscal policies bend towards equality and serving the members of society on the lowest rung.
Loveland Magazine does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. Veteran or active duty service member, in any of its programs or activities.
Loveland Magazine is a member of Ohio Business Competes. A nonpartisan coalition of businesses committed to achieving nondiscrimination policies in order to attract the best talent, to increase Business-to-Business & Business-to-Consumer relationships, and to grow Ohio’s economy. LGBT NON-DISCRIMINATION.
David Miller remembers at age 11, throwing the carefully folded and rubber-band wrapped Cincinnati Post to front porches from a bicycle he cobbled together. Read on…
We believe in a Loveland that represents a future made from the beliefs of its passionate, innovative thinkers who love this town so much they spend a considerable amount of their own time trying to make it the absolute best place to live in the entire world.
Since 2004, it has been the mission of Loveland Magazine to to be a platform so that those ideas and dreams can be shared wide and far throughout our hometown until they become our reality.
Amy Goodwin of Democracy Now said, “The most important role of a journalist is to go where the silence is.” We try to remember that.
Giving voice to Loveland’s residents; providing full/complete information; recognizing Loveland’s youth, either telling your stories or providing a place for you to so is our goal. At our core we believe that just because the government says something doesn’t necessarily mean that it is true or the whole truth, and to that end we always strive to investigate with a cautious, [sometimes cynical] experienced eye and, whenever possible, we strive to give the residents the last word on subjects we delve into.
Loveland Magazine has been awarded the prestigious, Booth Spirit Media Award, beating out all other media or stations in the tri-state. Loveland Magazine is “a premier local online news outlet.”
Loveland Magazine publishes local news about the Loveland, Ohio area. Over 12,000 stories and 800 HD videos about the Greater Loveland Area, have been published in Loveland Magazine since 2004.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Newspapers Association on October 11, 2013, Loveland Magazine was voted into membership.
Loveland Magazine was the first “digital only member” of The Ohio Newspaper Association
The Ohio Newspaper Association (ONA) was established in 1933 and is the trade association for more than 250 Ohio daily and weekly newspapers. Their membership includes, The Columbus Dispatch, Plain Dealer, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal, Dayton Daily News, and The Toledo Blade.
ONA is now the Ohio News Media Association. The association administers a full program of member services that include: government relations and lobbying, publications, seminars and employee training, legal assistance, group insurance, and advertising services.
Loveland Magazine is also a member of the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association. Founded in 1972, the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association works to support and enhance the coverage of high school sports in Ohio and to recognize superior writing among sports journalists.
Editor in Chief: David Miller (They, them, their) (an Ally)
Loveland Magazine LLC has moved to the Simpson Farm House at the entrance to the Simpson Farm, a 40-acre Conservation District in the heart of Loveland. We are at 243 Wall Street (Across from Kiwanis Park). We are still in the West Loveland Historic District. READ MORE…
Click any button to learn more about the many journalistic and civic contributions of Loveland Magazine’s Editor in Chief, David Miller.
Staunch Supporter of Loveland’s Schools
Actively supported, and many times served on the School District Levy campaign committee for every bond or operating levy since his two daughters were enrolled in the District.
Loveland Magazine has published nearly every press release issued by our Loveland School District since and promoted nearly every play, musical, or fund-raising activity of Loveland school clubs and students since 2004.
Founding Organizer and former Board Member of the Loveland Initiative* and Co-Founder of their Cool School which works with teachers and staff in an after-school tutoring program. *Formally the Loveland Shalom Initiative.
Served on fund-raising committee and member of Loveland Athletic Boosters committee that raised funds for artificial turf at Tiger Field and donating goods and services. Helped raise the funds and donated goods and services for constructing the Bob and Pauline Williams Fitness Center at LHS. In 2011, designed the branding and Logo for the Loveland Athletic Boosters.
For eleven years, donated thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars toward the production of the Loveland School District Calendar. Seven of those calendars were printed on glossy stock and featured one full-color photo taken by David Miller for each month.
In 2015, Loveland Magazine hosted the Candidate for School Board Forum. Employee Ricky Mulvey was the moderator. The forum was re-played on Loveland Magazine TV.
Has attend every LHS graduation (except two) since 1992. For the last decade, published video of the student speeches and still photos of the event. Many of those years the District used those photos to promote that year’s commencement exercise.
Promotes the fund-raising events, membership drives, and winners of Music Boosters scholarships.
Promotes fund-raising activities for After Prom.
Served on the committee to build the new Primary School Playground. Loveland Magazine was a sponsor of the successful project.
Attended nearly every LHS athletic College Signing Day for last decade, reported about the event and published video of the student/athletes signing their intent forms. Almost always, the only media to attend the ceremony.
Attend and publish video on LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV of the LHS Fine Arts Scholarship ceremony.
Donated photos and services for the District’s Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for several years. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada recognized the “Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting” by the Loveland City School District in 2006.
Attended and published Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s announcement from the Loveland Intermediate School in 2009 when he chose our District for the State-wide unveiling his education reform plan.
For past eight years has published the awards, honors, and scholarships of the LHS graduating class. Published video on LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV of the “Top Ten” of the graduating classes.
In 1997, implemented the practice of enlarging and framing individual portraits for the atrium of LHS of all graduating seniors who received a “Local scholarship”.
For five years, enlarged portraits of the winner of the Music Boosters scholarship winners were taken by David Miller – the framed photos adorned the entrance to DeWitt Auditorium and the hallway leading to the Music Department at LHS.
A Track Record of Community Service and Protecting Loveland’s Environment
Founder of, and wrote business plan for the L.I.F.E Food Pantry in Loveland
A Founder of the Loveland Initiative (formally the Loveland Shalom Initiative) and volunteer leader with the Loveland Shalom Initiative’s Teen Program.
Founding member, Special Projects Coordinator, Board Member, and Recording Secretary of the Loveland Greenbelt Community Council.
Wrote successful grant application and thousands of dollars secured to clean up the surface contamination at Loveland’s Chestnut Street Landfill.
Initiated public discussion and education about Loveland’s drinking water, which led to the City initiating a “Well-field Protection Plan”.
Led successful effort to close the Harper Avenue Landfill on the bank of the Little Miami River in Loveland.
Authored the business and construction plan for the East Loveland Avenue Nature Preserve.
Envisioned and led successful effort to declare 40 acre Simpson Farm a dedicated Conservation District. The 40-acres nearly doubled the size of Phillips Park. This was a successful ballot initiative. Authored the conservation district covenant that is now part of the Loveland Code of Ordinances.
Served on Loveland Chamber of Commerce Concert in the Park committee (7 years – 4 years as concert emcee)
Former member of City of Loveland Environment Committee.
Helped found a Loveland Boy Scout troop for underserved youth.
Volunteer for the Loveland Free Store.
Authored Southwest Ohio’s first groundwater protection ordinance with successful ballot initiative for protecting Loveland’s drinking water.
Initiated Habitat for Humanity efforts in Loveland with two houses built and others renovated.
Volunteer for Cincinnati Service Project with the Cincinnati District of the United Methodist Church addressing issues of poverty and hunger.
Hoxworth Blood Center Volunteer Coordinator in Loveland for four years.
Consultant to regional neighborhoods, communities, and organizations about Ohio’s Initiative and Referendum process.
Clermont County Nuclear and Radiation Accident Preparedness Instructor.
When an expressway type culvert bridge replacement was proposed for Wall Street over Keelhoffers Run Creek, went to work on designs that led to the lighted, stone bridge you see today.
After the terrorist attack in 2001, when local postal workers were faced with the potential to handle anthrax laced mail, wrote the City of Loveland proclamation you see today in the lobby of the Loveland Post Office.
Only “civilian” to have written sections of the Loveland Zoning code that were adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission City Council, and Loveland voters. Suggested changes to the Loveland Charter concerning Referendum and Initiative was adopted by the voters.
Assistant teacher at the Cincinnati Police Academy – Subject: Ohio’s Hate Crime Laws and Police/Community Relations.
A Voice for Human Rights
Co-founded Loveland’s Martin Luther King Day Celebration, a 17-year running event and State of Ohio Civil Rights Commission award-winning program.
Past service on the Cincinnati District of the United Methodist Church Commission on Religion and Race.
Guest Speaker for National Association of A Voice for Human Rights Workers.
“Appreciation Award” by Sharon Zealey, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio for support of hate crimes awareness.
Served on the Community/Police Roundtable – a project of Housing Opportunities Made Equal (H.O.M.E.) and the Hamilton County Police Chief’s Association.
Volunteer for Cincinnati Service Project with the Cincinnati District of the United Methodist Church addressing issues of poverty and hunger.
Assistant teacher at the Cincinnati Police Academy – Subject: Ohio’s Hate Crime Laws and Police/Community Relations.
Building Our Community
Loveland Magazine sponsors the Amazing Charity Race which has raised more than $600,000 for local charities.
In 1982, led successful effort to have “Peace Days” declared in Cincinnati by then mayor, David Mann.
Helped City of Loveland secure $500,000 grant for West Loveland Avenue Bike Connector.
Co-Authored successful $1 million grant for Grailville.
In 2015 proposed new schematic of how all accessible parking spaces in the City of Loveland should be marked. This also led to a complete survey of the number of spaces in the control of City Hall, including all City Parks. This proposal became law in 2016 when it was added to the Loveland Zoning Code.
Helped found a Loveland Boy Scout troop for underserved youth.
Founder of, and wrote business plan for the L.I.F.E Food Pantry in Loveland.
Initiated Habitat for Humanity efforts in Loveland with two houses built and others renovated.
A Founder of the Loveland Initiative (formally the Loveland Shalom Initiative) and volunteer leader with the Loveland Shalom Initiative’s Teen Program.
Lived or worked in Loveland School District since 1966. A homeowner since 1974. A business owner in the District since 1985.
“Above and Beyond” award in 2010 from the Loveland Athletic Boosters Club.
“Moving Forward Together Award” from the Loveland City School District Board of Education for 2000 levy campaign.
“Special Recognition” for assisting in creation of Hamilton County Solid Waste Management Plan from Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District.
Awarded Little Miami Inc. (Now the Little Miami Conservancy) Annual Award of Appreciation in 1991 for protecting Loveland’s groundwater, aquifer, and drinking water.
“Planet E Award” from Everybody’s News in 1997.
“Appreciation Award” for Outstanding Service from the Loveland City School District Board of Education in 1991 for levy campaign.
“Outstanding Achievement Award for Community Police Relations” from the Hamilton County Police Chief’s Association and Housing Opportunities Made Equal. “For improving community police relations throughout the Greater Cincinnati Area.”
2002 Appreciation Award from Loveland Chamber of Commerce for providing photos for their annual Membership Directory and other services.
Graduate of the Cincinnati Citizen’s Police Academy.
“Achievement Award” from The Community Building Institute at Xavier University
In 2008, Loveland Magazine was awarded the prestigious, Booth Spirit Media Award, beating out all other media or stations in the Ti-state. Loveland Magazine is “A premier local online news outlet,” said Dan Hurley, Director of Leadership Cincinnati at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce and producer/host of the Sunday morning broadcast “Newsmakers” (WKRC-TV). “Demonstrated continuing and unswerving dedication to making communities health and strong,” said, Jan Powell, Chairman of the Board of Volunteers of America Ohio River Valley.
“Chestnut Award” from Ohio’s Buckeye Forest Council in 1997 for, “A spirit that refuses to let current practices and attitudes destroy our irreplaceable native forests.”
“Appreciation for Dedication and Services” award from Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 649 in 2011.
“Voice of democracy – Outstanding Spokesman for Freedom Award” by the Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars
Committed to Loveland’s Youth
Filed successful pro-se court case that ended when submitted to Ohio Supreme Court that preventing a shooting range from opening next-door to a Loveland residential neighborhood and near two schools.
Alerted community and led efforts that kept a shooting range from opening across the street from the Loveland Elementary and Primary School Campus.
Loveland Magazine has employed LHS students as paid interns since 2009.
Founded the Hold On Poetry Slam that evolved into the Hold on Talent Slam that provided local teen performing artists a stage in front of hundreds. Thousands of dollars of cash and scholarship opportunities were awarded.
Loveland Magazine provides space for interactive lesson plan for Loveland Primary School students to improve story writing skills.
Volunteer speaker in Loveland Intermediate School about military service and photography.
Local, Regional, and National Environmental Activism
Co-founded the Tree Corps with Cindy Kessler – “Loveland’s Tree Planting Alliance”. Tree sales to the community and in 2016 planted 20 street trees at the Loveland Primary and Elementary School Campus.
Former Co-Chair of the Clermont County Park District Speakers Bureau.
Past service on the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Regional Council of Government (OKI) Groundwater Committee.
Led OKI “Stream Team” that monitored water quality and health of O’Bannon Creek in Loveland.
Authored Southwest Ohio’s first groundwater protection ordinance with successful ballot initiative in Loveland for drinking water protection.
Developed strategy for overwhelming success of Loveland environmental ballot initiative in 1990. (85% affirmative vote)
Testified before US Congressional hearing in 1978 on nuclear plant safety and transport of nuclear waste.
Founding member of Citizen’s Alliance for Responsible Energy, the organization that exposed that the Fernald Plant in Butler County was leaking uranium waste into the surrounding creeks and land. Fernald was a uranium processing plant, however the secret was held closely by the government since the 1950s. The uranium waste stored at the Fernald Plant has now been removed and the site is now a wildlife refuge. This was also the lead organization that led the effort to convert the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant in Moscow, Ohio, to a clean, coal-burning facility.
Served on the Ohio Environmental Council’s Great Lakes’ Citizens Groundwater Protection Leadership Team. (4-state region)
Founding member of the Clermont County Free Tree Committee that distributed a tree seedling to every student in Clermont County.
Former Board member of Rivers Unlimited, the nations oldest river protection organization.
Served on the Conservation Committee, Miami Group of Sierra Club.
Served on the Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District Public Advisory Council.
Served on the Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District Siting and Regulatory Committee
Initiated discussions which resulted in the City of Loveland throwing support behind efforts to clean up the Kings Mills Military Superfund Hazardous Waste Site – up-stream from Loveland’s drinking water supply.
“Chestnut Award” from Ohio’s Buckeye Forest Council in 1997 for, “A spirit that refuses to let current practices and attitudes destroy our irreplaceable native forests.”
Art and Photography
Published in Loveland Magazine and in book form, exclusive photos from the 2007 White House Christmas.
City of Loveland’s Official Bicentennial Photographer.
2002 “Appreciation Award” from Loveland Chamber of Commerce at their annual dinner for providing photos for their annual Membership Directory and other services.
Loveland Chamber of Commerce Valentine Card selection in 2002.
Service to Country
U.S. Army Combat Veteran. Vietnam 1969 – 1971.
“Appreciation for Dedication and Services” award from Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 649 in 2011.
Debated US Assistant Secretary of State in 1980. (Subject: Nuclear Disarmament)
Memorial Day address for City of Loveland in 1993 and 1995.
“Voice of democracy – Outstanding Spokesman for Freedom Award” by Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Initiated the collection of “Torn and Tattered” American flags at Union Savings Bank in Loveland for proper disposal. Approximately 500 flags have been collected.
Chef Art Critic Athlete
Black Bean and Pasta Soup recipe (and photo) published in the “Oprah” edition of Runner’s World Magazine.
Toured the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Museum’s Robert Mapplethorpe exhibit alongside world renown chief, Julia Child.
Competed in the inaugural Flying Pig Marathon in 1999. Competed in 2000 Flying Pig Marathon and the Flying Pig Relay in 2001.
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You may reproduce (print, make photocopies, or download) materials from this website (for noncommercial purposes only) without prior permission on the condition that you properly cite the source in all copies. Please cite as: Author’s name (last name first), Document title, Date of Internet publication. Date of access, and <URL Permalink>.
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• Using the George Carlin list of dirty words can get your comments deleted, you will be blocked, and then banned. • Belittling others will most likely get your comments hidden or deleted. • Please avoid being the complainer. Think positive! Point out the good or give solutions. • Every reader and follower is much appreciated. • Racial slurs, use of the R Word, bigotry towards minorities, religions, and the LGBT community will not be tolerated.
Great information article. Thanks so much for everything Loveland Magazine does to keep citizens up to date on what is happening in government and our community.
Great information article. Thanks so much for everything Loveland Magazine does to keep citizens up to date on what is happening in government and our community.