Loveland Magazine was given the opportunity to preview the yet to be released full length movie Hope Bridge, written and produced by Loveland residents,Ā David and Christi Eaton. Loveland author, Lindsay Ensor offered to sit down and watch the movieĀ and shareĀ her initial thoughts with our readers.


byĀ Lindsay Ensor

[quote_box_right]The world premiere of David andĀ Christi Eatonā€™s ā€œHope Bridgeā€ at the Kenwood Theater on May 7 and is exclusive invite only.Ā Public showings begin May 8 andĀ Loveland residents are invited to aĀ ā€œLoveland Nightā€Ā on Sunday evening May 10 at 7:30 PM when you can meet David and Christi Eaton.[/quote_box_right]

Suicide is never an easy subject. Itā€™s a topic thatā€™s stigmatized and often only brought to light in the face of a celebrity tragedy. People avoid talking about it. Itā€™s a dark subject and one that leaves us not knowing what to say or how to respond; especially when we donā€™t understand mental illness.

David and Christi Eaton worked closely with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and The Lindner Center of HOPE to take a dark and painful subject and paint it into a portrait of light and hope with their new movie, Hope Bridge. Eighty script re-writes it what it took to get Hope Bridge on the big screen.

As I watched this story unfold, the emotions were so very raw and the pain so evident on the screen. But, as the minutes passed by I could feel the hope building. The story addresses so many questions that survivors of suicide are often left to face once theyā€™ve lost a loved one. [quote_left]Christi andĀ David paint a portrait of light and hope[/quote_left]Having been a survivor of suicide myself, Iā€™ve seen the questions and pain that it can cause a family.Ā The question of of wondering ā€œwhy?ā€ Then there is the pain and the lack of explanation that often drives those left behind to try and make sense and rationalize the events, when often there is no clear cut answer or rationale- often driving a person to extreme emotional turmoil just to try and find an answer that may very well never come.

In addition to the emotions of those left behind, Hope BridgeĀ also gives perspective from the mind of someone who has had the thoughts of suicide which is a wonderful added element that helps viewers grasp the reality of suicide even more. As you watch this movie you see how suicide affects so many lives, not just the main characters.

Hope Bridge is a beautiful combination of awareness and insight into the pain suicide causes a family and community as well as advocacy and awareness of the importance of getting help. It encourages people to speak up and talk, to open up and share, and to seek help. [quote_right]Hope BridgeĀ blends heartache and hope, pain and restoration, despair and healing.[/quote_right]

It blends heartache and hope, pain and restoration, despair and healing.

David and Christi answered a calling to step out and put on the screen a subject that is often considered ā€œtabooā€ or one that we should keep silent. They put together a piece of artistic work that will change lives. This production will change the way the world views suicide and hopefully will open up the hearts and minds of those who watch it to know just how important ending the stigma surrounding mental illness is.

Thank you, David and Christi for Hope Bridge. May we all continue to find joy in the journey.


Read the inspiration behind Hope Bridge and the Eaton’s journey to the big screen:

Loveland coupleā€™s ā€œHope Bridgeā€ world premiere at Kenwood Theater May 7



Loveland residentĀ Lindsay Ensor is the author ofĀ The Girl Inside: Silent Nogirl-inside-cover823005493469_n More.

Loveland resident releases book about mental illness toĀ share her journey


You can find Ensorā€™s book onĀ Amazon or atĀ Ensor is also a blogger and speaker on the topics of mental illness, sharing her story of hope, eating disorders and suicide prevention.

Ensor is available for speaking engagements for all ages and would welcome you to check out her website atĀ



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