We cannot afford to cover all of Ethanā€™s health care costs without help from a large community and our government

[quote_left]Dear Loveland Magazine Readers,[/quote_left]



by Alexia and Scott Kadish,

We did not want this, We did not ask for this ā€œopportunity;ā€ we did not do anything wrong to deserve this AND we will not run from our obligations as parents to care for our child. However, we cannot afford to cover all of Ethanā€™s health care costs without help from a large community and our government.

[quote_center]What do Ethanā€™s future health care options look like?[/quote_center]

Ethan will not have the opportunity to receive health care from his employer or pay the premiums for private insurance. Ethanā€™s significant disabilities will prevent him from finding employment and generating income. we hope we are proven wrong, as this is a very difficult reality to accept.

[quote_center]So, what are his future options?[/quote_center]

While he is very fortunate today to be covered by a great employer-sponsored health care plan, thanks to Procter & Gamble, what happens when Ethan is no longer eligible for this insurance?

Remember, today Ethanā€™s health care costs exceed $1,000,000 per year and it takes three policies to provide for his needs (Private, Medicaid and BCMH). Even with these three policies, there is about $100,000 per year of costs not covered by any of them.

Ethan will age out of BCMH and private insurance.

[quote_center]What will happen if Medicaid is taken away from Ethan, too?[/quote_center]

How will his future medical needs get paid for? Will we be placed in the position of having to make health care decisions for Ethan based on the cost? We already know we cannot afford to pay $1,000,000 per year (not even for one year). Ethan has already spent +380 days in the hospital over 4 years. Do we opt to not take him for urgent care at the hospital when private insurance and Medicaid are not available? For reference, ONE DAY in the hospital for Ethan costs $5,000-10,000, depending on his diagnosis and testing needs. If he ends up having surgery (Ethan has had 7 surgeries in the past 4 years), the costs are significantly higher and the hospitalization is longer.

We deal with a significant amount of uncertainty every day, just managing Ethanā€™s day-to-day care. We do not need the added stress of how to pay for Ethanā€™s basic medical care, or if our family will be forced into financial ruin.

We think you get the picture.

Please talk with your U.S. Senators and House of Representative member about preserving Medicaid for those who truly need it.

Ethan needs it NOW and will be dependent on it in the FUTURE.

[quote_center]SPEAK UP[/quote_center]

We have and we are. We have talked with the offices of Congressman Wenstrup and Senator Portman, and have left messages with Congressman Chabot and Senator Brown.

Stay Strong,

Alexia and Scott Kadish are residents of Loveland, Ohio

P.S. We are scared, shocked, angry, and confused. Please share our letter broadly and contact your representatives in Congress. Each one of us has a voice, a story to share, and a vote.

Ethan’s Story

On June 29, 2013, at URJ-GUCI, a summer camp near Indianapolis, a sudden burst of lightning struck on the athletic field where Ethan was out enjoying some Ultimate Frisbee with other campers. Everything changed for Ethan in that one moment. He was taken in critical condition to the local Children’s Hospital, where the doctors and nurses worked around the clock to stabilize him and assess his injuries. Ethan suffered a severe brain injury as a result of the lightning strike. Learn more about Ethan Kadish.



PLEASE talk with your U.S. Senators and House of Representative member about preserving Medicaid for those who truly need it. Ethan needs it NOW and will be dependent on it in the FUTURE.


[/quote_box_right]The Senate is likely to vote on the Republican replacement or the Affordable Care Act in the next week. Senator Rob Portman is one of a few select men who is meeting in closed-door strategy sessions to craft the bill.

Portman has asked for public comment and can be reached at:

Cincinnati Office

312 Walnut Street

Room 3425

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Phone: 513-684-3265

Use his Contact Form

Portman’s Facebook Page

His Washington DC Office

448 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3353

Portman’s Twitter Account


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