LIS/LMS Make Temporary Switch to Hybrid After Winter Break
Loveland, Ohio – Winter Break began yesterday afternoon for the Loveland schools. Students will return to class on January 4.
The District announced in their weekly newsletter on Friday afternoon that schedule changes have being put in place for the Loveland Intermediate School (LIS) and Loveland Middle School (LMS) after the return from Winter Break.
LIS and LMS will move to hybrid learning from January 4 through January 14. There will be no changes for any other grade levels and no changes for the Remote Learning Academy learners.
The announcement said that after noticing an increase in community spread of COVID-19 after the Thanksgiving Break, and looking at the results of a recent survey, the decision was made to limit in-person learning for grades 5-8 after Winter Break. They also say that the family survey data did not indicate a need to adjust the learning model PK-4, “Therefore, Loveland Early Childhood Center, Loveland Primary School, and Loveland Elementary School will return on January 4 at the full capacity model.”

Loveland High School is currently in hybrid, with plans to return to five-day, in-person learning at the start of the second semester on January 19.
In a “hybrid model”, schools operate at reduced capacity with students alternating between in-person and remote learning activities at home. To purpose is to keep class sizes smaller and increase physical distancing space between individuals.
The newsletter also included this message from the District’s health services staff
As your children head home on December 18, please remember it is not only what they do at school that matters, but outside their school day that also counts (actually our data is showing it matters most). Remember “The Bundle” there too – masks, distancing, and hand-washing. January will be our biggest challenge yet and we know that what everyone does in the next few weeks will help determine how things go. Stay aware when you are around others remembering that distance is your friend and that wearing a mask is your way of saying to others that you care. Months down the road, we will have the opportunity again to gather and hang out, but for now, be intentional about this.