by Roger Hoyer,

Youth News

The LPC Youth will have a Progressive Dinner on March 15th from 4:45 – 7:30 PM, there will be a whole lot of eatin’ going on so mark your calendars now.

The Youth and other members of the Congregation will serve at Matthew 25 Ministries on Saturday, March 28th, 11:00Am-1:00 PM. Then on Sunday, March 29th, the Youth, friends and members will do some Holy Smokin’ and be preparing tons of food to serve and feed the homeless and needy of downtown Cincinnati. For over 25 years we’ve been working with Nast Trinity United Methodist Church in this critical ministry to the poor. Will you help out this year? Our “Holy Underwear and Sox” campaign which takes new underwear and socks toĀ  Nast continues until March 29th. This is part of the Youth’s 30 Hour Famine Weekend.

Worship Times are Sunday School 9:15-10:00am; Worship Service 10:30-11:30am, Fellowship 11:30am.Ā  The church is located at 360 Robin, Loveland, OH; 513/683-2525 (email-[email protected]).Ā  The Loving, Praying, Caring Church where Jesus is in the house!Ā  Please visit our web site www.lovelandpresbyterianchurch.orgĀ  for recent sermons. photos and Mission projects.


Loveland Presbyterian Church starts a new Mission – PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY

Rocking-ChairMary Bowerman, an LPC member who recently passed away, asked how she could serve others with her skills. Mary Bowerman was an avid knitter and crocheter. Our head of Deacons asked Mary to make some “Prayer Shawls” for a member who was hospitalized due to cancer. This lead to many women of the church wanting to learn to knit and/or crochet to make “Prayer Shawls”. From this grew the “Prayer Shawl Ministry”.

The mission of the “Prayer Shawl Ministry” is to serve as an outreach for all in our church who enjoy knitting or crocheting. This ministry has a two fold effect. It is a time to pray for others in need by giving freely of your God-given talents and care for others. For the recipients of the “Prayer Shawls”, they come to know that others care and hold them in their prayers. By reaching out to people in need through a knitted shawl, those in need are encircled with love and the knitter is encircled in an active ministry of their own.

The photographs show a rocking chair covered with many of the Prayer Shawls Mary Bowerman made before her recent passing. At Mary Bowerman’s luncheon following her funeral service at Loveland Presbyterian Church, the centerpieces for the tables included what started this wonderful ministry, a basket filled with yarn and needles.


LPC Mission tour

Please come and join us at Loveland Presbyterian Church on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 10:30AM. We will hear from Dr. Rev. Cinda and Steve Corman about a fantastic Egypt Tour.

The church is located at 360 Robin, Loveland, OH; 513/683-2525 (email-[email protected]).Ā  Please visit our web site www.lovelandpresbyterianchurch.orgĀ  for recent sermons. photos and Mission projects.Ā  The Loving, Praying, Caring Church where Jesus is in the house!





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