Registration for 2016 season is OPEN now till Feb 1

Loveland, Ohio – Spring of 2016 will begin the second season for Loveland Youth Volleyball (LYVO). Co-Chair, Megan Graff said, “The organization was created with one mission in mind – to provide a fun, learning, recreational environment for the youth of Loveland to play, learn and practice volleyball. This goal reaches far beyond the court. This is giving the youth of Loveland another chance to try a new sport, learn to work as a team and get active.”

Loveland Youth Volleyball Organization is a Non-Profit run by a board of volunteers. It is open to any jarvis-verticalchild living in the Loveland School District in grades 3-8. Coaches are comprised of volunteers who are given the opportunity to go through a coaching session with veteran coaches. They are also given a packet with drills, ideas and tips to help the season run smoothly. “All coaches will be background checked for this coming season and all seasons in the future,” said Graff.

Teams are formed based on prior evaluations for previous players and an evaluation day will be set up for all new players. “This is not a try out, it is simply to allow the board to form teams of relatively equal players,” said Communications Chair, Danielle Hollingsworth. “Teams play each other in the league and it is not beneficial for anyone to have one team dominate another,” she explained. Teams are also combined grade levels based on the league formation. This allows grade levels with too few and those with too many to combine and have more teams. “Keeping it all one grade level would give more potential for some girls to remain on a waiting list with not enough to form a team. Combining varied skills and grade levels allows the girls to take on leadership roles, have other to look up to and make new friends beyond their current classmates, said Hollingsworth. Teams range from 8-12 girls on a team in the following combos: 3rd/4th, 5th/6th and 7th/8th. Boys can be placed on teams with girls in grades 3 and 4. Fifth grade and up they will have their own combined grade level team.

In the first season LYVO provided the opportunity for 102 girls to play volleyball. A few boys signed up but it was not enough to form a team. “This year we hope to be able to get the word out more, and have close to 150 players, both boys and girls,” said Graff.

Currently LYVO practices all in the Loveland School District gyms. Matches were played last year on Sundays between 2 and 9 PM at Courts for Sports in Mason.

If you would like more information about your child playing, coaching, or becoming part of the LYVO board check their website: or email them at [email protected].







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