9781683334804medManville, Ohio – Author John Michael shares his journey through life in his new memoir ā€œJonathan.ā€ This heartwarming book will be up for grabs nationwide this week.

This memoir recounts the time of Jonathanā€™s life as a young man, who is getting near graduation from college but is already playing professional baseball. Unlike the typical athlete, he is very much into poetry, even hoping to get a book published someday. Besides all the money and popularity, he still hopes to find that special someone in his life. His friends think he is much too selective to find the girl of his dreams, though he is quite the romantic. Either way, this moral, family-oriented fellow is about ready to leap straight into lifeā€™s mainstream that always seems filled with happiness, death and love. How will it all evolve for Jonathan?

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore, or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com.

Michael is formerly a professional baseball player for Washington and the Texas Rangers organization as well as mayor of his town in Maineville, Ohio. He graduated from Little Miami High School in 1966. He recently became a member of the Country Club, having traveled to all 50 states and at least 15 countries. His previous books include ā€œWherever She Waits,ā€ ā€œFantasiesā€ and ā€œPassionate Gifts.ā€




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