BATAVIA, Ohio – The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Ohio River at Cincinnati for this weekend. The river is expected to rise above 52 feet – flood stage – late Saturday morning and to crest at 53.7 feet by early Sunday afternoon. Minor flooding is likely, and may affect low-lying areas near New Richmond.
Backwater flooding along creeks close to the Ohio River is possible. Residents should be aware of alternate routes to and from their homes or work, according to Clermont public safety officials.
Clermont County residents in low-lying areas are urged to take the following precautions:
- Tune into local radio or television for updates on changing weather conditions
- Be aware that flash flooding can occur. If there is a possibility of a flash flood, move to higher ground immediately.
- Keep children from playing or exploring fast moving streams.
- Do not walk through moving water.
- Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas. The road bed may be washed out.
- Do not drive around road closure signs or barricades. Turn around and go a different way.
- Be cautious driving at night when it is harder to see flood dangers.
- If your vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. Many people drown while trying to rescue their car.
For more information: Pam Haverkos, Emergency Management Director, Clermont County,