“Make Your Voice Heard About the Garage Proposal“
by Lauren Enda
Everyone is invited to a rally this Saturday, February 19 at 1 PM in front of Loveland City Hall. Members of the community are asking the city council to engage with the public before building a parking garage in historic downtown Loveland. There are too many unanswered questions surrounding the garage proposal.
Before spending millions of taxpayer dollars, council should:
1. Determine the exact need
2. Look at less expensive options – cost to build, maintain and enforce
3. Look at the environmental consequences – water runoff, noise, light, and air pollution
4. Address other priorities of the city, like traffic and the antiquated water systems that won’t be addressed because of this spending
5. Balance parking issues with how the massive size (about the size of a football playing field) will detract from Loveland’s charm
6. Let the citizens vote by referendum if council decides to move ahead
Join us on Saturday if you believe the citizens of Loveland should have answers to these questions before moving forward. Sign the petition at the link below to let your voice be heard.
Petition · Stop the Loveland Garage · Change.org
by Lauren Enda,
Lauren Enda lives in Loveland at Hidden Creek