Loveland’s salt storage as of 2 PM on Sunday. The storage dome is located on East Loveland Avenue as you leave the City

Loveland, Ohio – There has been no snow emergency declared in Loveland, however, in case one is or you hear that one has been declared, below are the Loveland code sections that implement and guide City officials.

Note, that this may be different than the Snow Emergency declarations issued by the counties, townships, or other government agencies. This only applies to the City of Loveland.

City Manager Dave Kennedy said today at 2 PM that he has spoken with Scott Wisby, Loveland’s Director of Public Works, and he “does not feel that parked vehicles are deterring or will deter his ability for snow removal”.


   (a)   When snow, sleet, freezing rain, or other weather conditions cause or appear likely to cause, in the judgment of the City Manager, slippery or hazardous conditions which might lead to serious congestion or hazard, the City Manager may declare a snow emergency.  The City Manager shall also declare the termination of such snow emergency as soon as conditions permit.

   (b)   ā€œSnow emergency routesā€ are through streets, or portions of through streets, designated by official signs on one or both sides thereof, installed by order of the City Manager.  The City Manager is authorized and directed to designate such streets as snow emergency routes which, for the safety or convenience of the public and the accommodation of traffic, should be kept open and clear in times of snow emergency.

   (c)   During the period of any snow emergency, no vehicle may be parked on any snow emergency route, provided special signs are erected designating such snow emergency route.

   (d)   A vehicle parked on any snow emergency route at the time a snow emergency is declared shall be removed by the owner within three hours if such emergency is declared between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., or prior to 9:00 a.m. of the following morning if the emergency is declared within the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.  Nothing in this section shall permit any vehicle to park in violation of any other parking restriction previously established by ordinance  or by erection of signs by order of the City Manager.

   (e)   Any vehicle parked on any snow emergency route during a declared snow emergency and after the times or periods designated for removal of such vehicle by (d) above, and any vehicle stalled or otherwise unable to move or operate on a snow emergency route during the time of a snow emergency, may be ordered by the City Manager or the Chief of Police to be towed from such snow emergency route.  Such vehicle shall be impounded and held by the order of the Police Department until the owner shall pay the reasonable expense of towing the vehicle.

   (f)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(Ord. 1978-23.  Passed 4-25-78.)

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