Loveland, Ohio – Ron Grooms makes homemade chicken salad every Friday to donate to the L.I.F.E. Food Pantry on Saturday mornings. “Clients love it so much that they will actually call to see if we have it, or get there early to make certain that they get a number in line before we run out,” said pantry director, Linda Bergholz. “Fortunately, he is so generous that unless we have an inordinate number of clients we sometimes have some left over for Mondays.” Grooms also donates bread and buns, as well as ground beef when possible. Ron’s Market is at Loveland Crossing, 10486 Loveland Madeira Road.
When L.I.F.E. gives out the Holiday Baskets on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, each client receives Ron’s Gift Certificates. Depending on number of family members, the amounts vary so they can choose the protein they prefer. Some want turkeys, others prefer ham, some like beef roasts or pork roasts, and a few have actually purchased the chicken salad. Bergholz said, “We feel it is important for the clients to make their own choices for the centerpiece of their meals.” The gift certificate allows for the purchase of a protein for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the baskets provide the remainder of the meal as well.
Fresh pumpkins pies and potatoes were donated by Tony’s Steaks and Seafood. Numerous other organizations and the Pass it Along collection from the schools round out the items that go in the baskets. For Thanksgiving, they receive, in addition to the above; stuffing mix, gravy, green beans, corn, pie crust mix and filling, a box of instant potatoes, a can of cranberry sauce, and a can of sweet potatoes. “This year we [quote_right]Grooms also donates bread and buns, as well as ground beef when possible[/quote_right].added coffee , fresh rolls, and had a number of fresh vegetables available if desired,” said Bergholz. For the Christmas meal, L.I.F.E will provide macaroni and cheese, roll mix, peas and carrots, a cake mix and frosting, baked beans, cooking oil and canned fruit. All of this is at no cost. They do pay $5 for a reservation which is returned to them at the end of the Holiday Giving Shoppe. “It is merely to reserve their basket and shopping time slot,” Bergholz explained.
The Holiday Giving Shoppe is Tuesday, Dec. 15th and Wednesday, Dec. 16th at the Masonic Lodge across from Symmes Park. Clients are pre-registered and will come, also at no cost, to choose underwear, socks, and two articles of clothing for each family member. Children twelve and under also receive pajamas. Each adult client will choose a household or personal gift, and each child or teen will receive a gift chosen by their parent or guardian. The gifts are donated by various organizations and Giving Trees around Loveland, as well as purchased by L.I.F.E. There is no cost to the client. The reservation deposit put down prior to the Holiday Basket giveaway is returned to them when they sign in to shop.