Loveland, Ohio – Original artwork may be submitted by any Little Miami River Chamber Alliance Member, resident of the Loveland School District, or those who work in the Loveland area.

The winning art will be made into the annual Loveland Valentine Card and engraved on the granite wall at Sweetheart Lane Historic Downton along the Loveland Bike Trail. Your card will be mailed all over the world with a special postmark by the Loveland Valentine Ladies.
Artwork must reflect or incorporate the theme: “Love is . . . .” and must also include, or provide space for the phrase, “There is nothing in this world so sweet as love.” One-color, two-color, and full-color entries are acceptable.
Artwork must be flat (two-dimensional) and fit proportionately within a 5″ by 3-¾” card, the size of the printed Valentine’s Day cards.
The submission deadline is November 17. All entries must be submitted in person to the Little Miami River Chamber Alliance at 514 West Loveland Avenue, or by mail, postmarked by the deadline to the Little Miami River Chamber, 514 W. Loveland Avenue, Loveland, OH 45140.
Entry forms and contest rules are available at the Little Miami River Chamber Alliance office at 514 W. Loveland Avenue.
If you would like one sent to you, please call the Little Miami River Chamber Alliance at 513-683-1544.
The winner will receive design credit on the back of the 2024 Valentine’s Day cards, recognition at the Valentine Kick-off, other local recognition, media recognition, and two complimentary invitations to the Little Miami River Chamber Alliance Annual Valentine Breakfast.