Fall Session: Thursdays, SEPT 14, OCT 12, NOV 9 & DEC 14

Winter Session: Thursdays, JAN 11, FEB 8, MAR 14, & APR 11

Spring Session: Thursdays, MAY 9, JUN 13, JUL11 & AUG 8

6:30-8:30 PM, Miami Township Community Center, $20 per person (per session)

Pre-registration required. Drop-ins welcome. $7 per class

Miami Township, Ohio – Join Kim Lockwood in this monthly support gathering created for people who are coping with the devastating loss to suicide. Lockwood has traveled this path and wants to provide hope and offer support as you go through your journey.

This is a peer lead class, there is no licensed therapist affiliated with this program. Jim Petry, Lieutenant, Miami Township Fire & EMS, is a liaison for this class and the instructor for the Suicide Prevention Class.

Children 16 and older are welcome to come with adult supervision.


6101 Meijer Drive • Miami Township OH • 45150 (513) 248.3725

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