DoitforJack and the Jack Quehl Foundation are on a Mission to Educate Our Community About the Dangers of Fentanyl

The need for fentanyl awareness is great. Fentanyl is the leading cause of death ofĀ 18-45 year-oldsĀ in the U.S. and is increasingly impacting all ages. The only way to combat this epidemic is through spreading awareness in schools, the community and our workplaces. Education around fentanyl poisoning is relevant and vital for your business operations:

1. Employee Well-being: Your workforce likely comprises individuals who may be directly or indirectly affected by the fentanyl crisis. Educating employees about the risks of fentanyl contamination in the community can help safeguard their well-being and promote a healthier workplace environment. On-boarding new employees is a great time to share this information.

2. Customer Safety:Ā If your business caters to young adult clientele, whether through products, services, or entertainment venues, you have a responsibility to ensure their safety. Providing information on fentanyl poisoning equips your customers with knowledge to make informed decisions and protect themselves from potential harm.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility:Ā Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility is paramount in today’s business landscape. By participating in educational initiatives on fentanyl poisoning, your business can actively contribute to the well-being of the community it serves, enhancing its reputation and fostering goodwill among stakeholders.

4. Legal and Reputational Risks:Ā In the event of a fentanyl-related incident on your premises, ignorance is not a viable defense. Proactive education and preventive measures can mitigate legal liabilities and shield your business from reputational damage associated with such tragedies.

5. Economic Impact:Ā The fentanyl crisis exerts a substantial economic toll, encompassing healthcare costs, lost productivity, and potential litigation expenses. By investing in education and prevention efforts, businesses can help alleviate this burden and contribute to the overall economic resilience of their communities.

In light of these compelling reasons, we urge you to consider integrating education on fentanyl poisoning into your business practices. If you would like us to come speak to your workforce, we can make a tangible difference in combating this epidemic. Together, we can empower individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to stay safe and thrive in our communities.Ā Please complete this formĀ and we will be in touch.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. We stand ready and look forward to the possibility of working together toward a safer, healthier future for all.

From our hearts to yours,

Stephanie & Tom Quehl

Jackā€™s parents

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