COVID-19 Testing Provider Locations

In Warren County, Ohio you can find COVID 19 test and Vaccination sites by following these links.They will take you to a dashboard of the Ohio Department of Health where you can sort for Warren County.

The map shows COVID-19 testing sites throughout Ohio. It’s a combination of private companies and retail sites, community health centers, and libraries, and other local partners that offer access to testing. To find the location nearest you, search by county and zip code to get a list.

The demand for testing is exceptionally high and each testing location has its own inventory controls and protocols for the public to access tests. When you find a testing location, it’s important to call in advance to ensure tests are available and to determine how to access tests. If testing is not available for any reason, many partners can direct you to an alternate location.

To find a laboratory that can collect or process specimens, please visit please visit the OH COVID-19 Testing Database.

COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Locations

This tool shows providers throughout Ohio who have received shipments of COVID-19 vaccines for those currently being vaccinated in eligible in Phases 1B-C and Phase 2. As more vaccine providers receive shipments, they will be added to this page. Search by county or ZIP code to see a list of providers near you. Websites, contact information, and addresses listed are submitted by vaccine providers. As new providers are registered, provide vaccination location information, and receive shipments, they will be added to this page.

Are you eligible?

Eligibility is detailed at and in the Priority Populations Fact Sheet.