by David Miller

Loveland, Ohio – Well… it’s an often-used phrase, however, it really was an honor and great privilege to be invited Saturday night to be with the Fraternal Order of Eagles on their 72nd anniversary. Besides the birthday party, they also used the occasion to present many checks written out for many thousands of dollars to local charities. They were joined by representatives of the American Legion because one fundraising event they recently held was a friendly competition between the two social organizations.
I was treated with great hospitality at the social hall in the heart of the Loveland Historic District. The hall opens up to a backyard with a TV and fire pit right on the bank of the Little Miami. I was treated to a beer and enjoyed conversations with new friends who caught me up on the college football day. We watched a dramatic end to one game while we waited for the ceremony to get underway. Almost before I quite caught on to why the hall was so packed I was presented with a free meal ticket for catered, salad, eggplant parmesan, lasagna, and chocolate and vanilla birthday cake. It didn’t have those 72 candles, but three pieces of the cake gave me a sugar high that was better than the beer.

The Eagles have been in that same location for almost three-quarters of a century doing work in the community that most often goes unnoticed because of the modest people who are members. I am so pleased that I get to help them tell the story of their quietly kept charity work. Also, I need to publicly thank “Eagle Rider” Larry Roberts for the invitation to attend and enjoy the warm hospitality, chance to meet new people and chat with old friends. All of them make Loveland the wonderful place to live and raise children that it is.
In these videos, you will see a recap of the staggering amount these folks have raised over the years and the current round of checks they, with their typical modesty, presented. Checks were presented to the Make a Wish Foundation and to the Pink Ribbon Girls.
Below are photos that Larry Roberts sent to me of their recent “Eagle Ride” that made possible their check to the Make a Wish Foundation.
Below are photos that Larry Roberts sent to me of their recent “Eagle Ride” that made possible their check to the Make a Wish Foundation.