First responders, including paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, and police officers, are at special risk for suicide due to their exposure to trauma as well as other factors that are matter-of-course for this work.

Join Steven M. Click, Director of the Ohio Office of First Responder Wellness in the Ohio Department of Public Safety, to learn why it can be difficult to engage first responders in suicide prevention efforts, tips to bypass barriers, and upcoming opportunities to support first responder suicide prevention activities in your community.

American Sign Language interpretation will be available for the live and recorded presentation.

Learning objectives: After participating in this webinar, attendees will be able to

  1. Explain why first responders are uniquely vulnerable to suicide,
  2. Recognize protective factors that reduce the likelihood of first responders dying by suicide,
  3. Identify strategies for engaging first responders in effective suicide prevention activities.

Registration is free for OSPF members and $25 for non-members. Continuing education will be provided for prevention, addiction counseling, social work, marriage and family counseling, and psychologists.

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