City Hall released this statement today:

We just received word that this closure/detour is cancelled due to utility relocation. There will be NO CLOSURE of West Loveland Avenue Jan. 14-16.


Due to weather conditions, this project is being pushed back one week. The new dates for the closure/detour are Jan. 14-16.

Loveland, Ohio – Construction on the Cherokee Drive Water Main Replacement Project in the Loveland Heights will require a road closure and detour.

West Loveland Avenue will be closed at Cherokee Drive to allow crews to connect new water main beneath the road surface. Contractors now plan the three-day road closure daily from 9 AM until 3 PM on Tuesday, January 14th until the 16th.

The original road closure dates were January 7 through 9.

Motorists will be instructed to use the following detour routes:


ā€¢ West Loveland Avenue to Wall Street to Fallis Road to Rich Road to West Loveland Avenue


ā€¢ West Loveland Avenue to Rich Road to Fallis Road to Wall Street to West Loveland Avenue

According to City Hall, “The Heights area has an aging, undersized, and brittle cast iron water main that is degrading, which makes breaks occur more frequently. In this project, the city is installing more than 2,700 feet of new water main to replace the outdated water lines. Additionally, the project involves replacing valves, modifying the storm sewer to improve drainage, and installing additional fire hydrants.”

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