NASA Photo

By: Tribune Chronical Editorial Board

Ohio’s pivotal role in rocketing the U.S. to the pinnacle of world leadership in space exploration and research cannot be minimized.

Consider John Glenn, a Cambridge native, who marveled America by becoming the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth in 1962 in NASA’s inaugural Mercury mission. Consider Neil Armstrong, a Wapakoneta native, who seven years later “took one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” as the first human to walk on the moon. Or consider, from our perspective in the Mahoning Valley, Warren native Ron Parise, who spent more than 25 days on two space shuttle missions and who was instrumental in bringing amateur radio equipment to shuttle flights.

Collectively, 25 Ohioans have served as NASA astronauts, logging more than 22,000 hours in space on more than 80 flights into outer space.

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